Ofesi ya Independent Police Audit ya Mzinda wa San Leandro

Jeff Schlanger ndi mtsogoleri wamkulu pa kayendetsedwe ka kusintha kwa mabungwe, ali ndi zaka zopitirira makumi anayi akugwira ntchito pamalamulo apamwamba, oyendetsa malamulo, kufufuza ndi kuyang'anira payekha. chidziwitso chake pochita kafukufuku wodziyimira pawokha, kuyang'anira madipatimenti apolisi, mabanki, ndi mabungwe ena akuluakulu, ndikuphatikiza maluso amenewo ndi njira yoyendetsera ngozi kuti alimbikitse kukonzanso, kuwongolera mosalekeza, komanso kutsimikizira kukhulupirika.
Denise Lewis

Denise Lewis wakhala zaka zoposa 30 akupanga ndi kulemekeza ukadaulo wake pazachitetezo chazamalamulo, kufufuza mkati ndi kunja kwa mabungwe apolisi, komanso makamaka, kuyang'anira paokha kwa mabungwe apolisi. Anagwira ntchito zosiyanasiyana zolondera komanso kuyang'anira zofufuza zaupandu komanso zamkati asanapume pantchito ku LAPD. Mu 2000, panthawiyo Sergeant Lewis adatumizidwa ku gulu lofufuza zamkati lomwe limayang'ana zomwe zidayambitsa katangale wa LAPD's Rampart CRASH - chipolowe chomwe chinapangitsa kuti Dipatimenti Yachilungamo ifufuze za bungweli, ndipo pamapeto pake LAPD idagwirizana ndi Federal Consent Decree. Pa nthawi yomwe anali ndi LAPD, Mayi Lewis anatsogolera bungwe la Audit Unit lomwe linali litangopangidwa kumene, lomwe linalamulidwa ndi Consent Decree. Kukhazikitsa ndondomeko zoyendetsera ntchito zowunikira malinga ndi zolinga za kasamalidwe, ndondomeko ndi ndondomeko, ndi malamulo a boma ndi a federal kuti awonetsetse kuti akutsatira ndikuzindikira zovuta zoyendetsera ngozi. Mu Audit Unit, amayang'anira onse akulumbiridwa komanso anthu wamba pomaliza kufufuza zofufuza zomwe dipatimenti ikuchita ndi zomwe dipatimentiyo ikufuna kuchita ndi Consent Decree mandates. koma koposa zonse, malingaliro othetsera zopinga kuti apambane. Osachepera chifukwa cha ntchito yake m'derali, LAPD idakwaniritsa zosintha zomwe zidafunikira ndipo Lamulo la Consent Decree lidawonedwa kuti ndi lopambana kwambiri. Chiyambireni ntchito ku LAPD, kwa zaka pafupifupi zisanu ndi chimodzi, kuyambira 2003 Ms. Lewis anali membala wa Independent Monitoring timu ya Detroit Police Department (DPD) kumene anapereka DPD ndi Technical Assistance kuti aime awo mkati audit unit._cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Kuwonjezera pa kuphunzitsa ogwira ntchito yofufuza za DPD, Mayi Lewis adayesanso kutsata zoyeserera zosiyanasiyana za DPD kuphatikiza njira zabwino zofufuzira, kugwiritsa ntchito mphamvu, kuphunzitsa, kusunga ma cell, ndikuwunika ma audits omalizidwa ndi DPD. Mayi Lewis athandiza ma dipatimenti apolisi ambiri, kuphatikiza dipatimenti ya apolisi ku Los Angeles Airport ndi nthambi ya apolisi ku San Jose pakukhazikitsa ndikukhazikitsa ntchito yofufuza zamkati, kuphatikiza kupanga ndondomeko zowunikira, mfundo, njira zothandizira kuthana ndi zoopsa zambiri zomwe zingachitike. ndi ntchito zazamalamulo. Kuonjezera apo, wapereka maphunziro ku nthambi za apolisi za kuunika kwa ndondomeko ndi ndondomeko zokhudzana ndi kugwiritsa ntchito mphamvu, kumanga, ndi kusunga. Posachedwapa, Mayi Lewis adatumikira monga Wachiwiri kwa Woyang'anira Dipatimenti ya Apolisi ku yunivesite ya Cincinnati (UCPD) poyang'anira modzifunira yomwe inachititsa kuti apolisi aphedwe ndi kuwombera. kuunikanso mwatsatanetsatane ndipo pambuyo pake adagwirizana kuti agwiritse ntchito malingaliro 276 pazaka zitatu. Kupyolera mu kutsimikiza ndi kutsimikiza kwa dipatimentiyo, komanso mothandizidwa ndi luso la gulu loyang'anira, UCPD inatha kukwaniritsa kutsatiridwa kwa zaka ziwiri zokha potsatira ndondomeko zonse.
John Thomas

John Thomas, mbadwa ya ku South Central Los Angeles, kuyambira 2013, wakhala mkulu wa apolisi pa yunivesite ya Southern California (USC) Department of Public Safety (DPS). Chief Thomas wakhala zaka pafupifupi makumi anayi pazamalamulo kuphatikiza zaka makumi awiri ndi chimodzi ali membala wa dipatimenti ya apolisi ku Los Angeles (LAPD) pomwe adapuma pantchito ya Lieutenant mu Disembala 2005 ndikukhala Wachiwiri kwa Chief of Police for the University of the District of Columbia Department of Public Safety & Emergency Management ku Washington DC Panopa akutumikira monga membala wa Independent Consent Decree Monitoring Team for the City of Aurora (CO).
Monga membala wa dipatimenti ya apolisi ku Los Angeles, Chief Thomas amagwira ntchito zolondera makamaka ku South Los Angeles ku Wilshire, 77th Street, Southwest, Newton Street ndi Pacific Divisions. Tsatanetsatane wa Gang Enforcement Detail ku South Los Angeles ndipo adagwira ntchito mobisa ngati membala wa Dipatimenti ya FALCON (Focused Attack Linking Community Organisations and Neighborhoods) Unit. Mphotho ya Angeles' City Angel chifukwa chotukula bwino dera komanso Meritorious Unit Citation. Mwinanso makamaka, Chief Thomas adatumikira monga Adjutant kwa Atsogoleri Apolisi anayi a LAPD kuphatikiza mafumu awiri osakhalitsa ndi Chief Bernard Parks ndi Chief William. Bratton. Ngakhale anali Lieutenant wapolisi wa Los Angeles wopuma pantchito, akupitiriza "Kuteteza ndi Kutumikira" anthu a ku Los Angeles monga LAPD Line Reserve Officer yemwe amagwira ntchito polondera ndi ntchito zina mumzinda wonse.
Chief Thomas wakhala ali mu Board of Directors for The Challenger's Boys & Girl's Club ku South LA ndipo wakhala ali mu Board of Directors for Los Angeles Police Historical Society kuyambira 1999. Adasindikizidwa ndipo wafufuza ndi kulemba kwambiri pa Early Black History of LAPD ndi Los Angeles. Alinso mu Board of Directors for the Police Officers 'Association of Los Angeles County (POALAC) ndipo, akutumikira mu Board of Advisors ku USC Price School's Safe Communities Institute. Ndi membala wa International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (IACLEA), Police Executive Research Forum (PERF), International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), National Organisation of Black Law Enforcement Executives (NOBLE), Pac. 12 Campus Chiefs' Association, Campus Safety Magazine Advisory Board, California College & University Police Chiefs Association, ndi FBI National Academy Associates.
Chief Thomas adamaliza maphunziro awo ku Crenshaw High School asanapite ku UCLA. Ali ndi BA mu Liberal Arts ndi Master's Degree in Executive Leadership kuchokera ku USC Sol Price School of Public Policy.
Dayna Schock

Mikail Ali recently retired from the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) with over 30 years of service retiring at the rank of Deputy Chief. During his time with SFPD Mikail developed expertise in Community Policing Strategies, Crime Prevention, Criminal and Administrative Investigations, Police Accountability and Oversight, Education and Training of Police Officers, Policy Development, Emerging Technologies and Officer Wellness and Safety. This expertise derives from being an innovative and pioneering Public Safety Leader with over 15 years of management experience. Mikail served as the Chief of three separate bureaus in the SFPD: Administrative Services, Special Operations and the Airport Bureau. Some of his accomplishments while serving as Bureau Chief include, leading the effort to enculturate Crisis Intervention Training and policing in collaboration with the National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI) and in partnership with other San Francisco mental health providers, for both recruit and tenured officers. Mikail also drove a comprehensive effort in the recertification of the SFPD Crime Laboratory from the American Society of Crime Lab Directors (ASCLB). Mikail enhanced readiness for natural disasters and emergency response at the San Francisco International Airport through the pioneering creation of Incident Response Training and team building for officers assigned to the airport. In 2016, the SFPD entered into an agreement with the United States Department of Justice in a Collaborative Reform Initiative (CRI), whereas the Chief of Police designated Mikail as an internal sponsor of two of the five areas of reform: “Accountability” and “Recruit, Hiring and Personnel Practices.” Mikail’s extensive experience in criminal and administrative investigations has positioned him to personally conduct or directly lead over 1,000 investigations of allegations of misconduct of sworn and non-sworn members of the SFPD. Mikail earned a bachelor’s degree in public administration from the University of San Francisco, is a graduate of the Police Executive Research Forum’s Senior Management Institute and a graduate of Major Cities Chiefs Association’s Police Executive Leadership Institute. Mikail also has extensive experience in the disciplinary process as he has been a Skelley Hearing Officer over 300 times.
Dominic M. Celaya

Dominic M. Celaya is a retired Police Captain from the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD), where he served for over three decades. After his official retirement, he continued to contribute as a Reserve Officer in the Mounted Unit and is currently an Investigator in the Cold Case Homicide Unit. Dominic's extensive background in investigations, including use of force and 4th Amendment issues, equips him well for the responsibilities of case reviews in his current role.
Dominic began his career as a Patrol Officer, progressing through various roles including Police Inspector and Sergeant, where he worked in the Pawn Detail, Parolee at Large Program, Homicide Detail, and Vice Detail. As a Lieutenant, he served in several stations as Patrol Lieutenant and Watch Commander, and later as Officer in Charge of the General Work Detail in the Investigations Bureau. In 2009, Dominic was promoted to Captain, where he held key positions such as Commanding Officer of the Tenderloin Station, Tactical Division, and divisions within the Airport Bureau. He also served as the Night Supervising Patrol Captain, overseeing all patrol operations during evening hours and acting as the operational commander for critical incidents.
Dominic holds a B.A. in Government from the University of San Francisco, graduating Cum Laude. He has completed numerous specialized training courses throughout his career, enhancing his expertise in areas such as interview and interrogation, vice crimes, homicide investigations, and leadership.
Dominic's skills include a deep expertise in investigations, particularly in cases involving homicides and officer-involved shootings. He has been responsible for investigating officer use of force and 4th Amendment violations and has provided instruction at the Police Academy and in promotional classes. Additionally, he formulated an Active Shooter Seminar for San Francisco Airport stakeholders and is focused on investigating homicide cold cases, requiring detailed analysis and strategic investigative techniques.
Dominic's career is marked by his dedication to public safety and his ability to handle complex and high-profile cases with professionalism and integrity. His commitment to the SFPD and the community it serves is reflected in his exemplary service record, with minimal citizen complaints and no sustained complaints or department discipline.